IAOP Chapter: Midwest

Stay tuned for 2016 Meeting Plans!

The IAOP Midwest Chapter is co-chaired by Cushman & WakefieldThe University of Missouri – St. Louis, and Express Scripts.
More details coming soon!

Check the Past Meetings tabs to the right for links to presentation content.

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Express Scripts, Inc.



Richard G. Etzkorn, Co-chair
Executive Managing Director
Cushman & Wakefield

Mary Lacity, COP, Co-chair

Professor of IS
University of Missouri


Emily Schlick, Co-chair
Vendor Manager
Express Scripts, Inc



Networking – Develop a network of outsourcing professionals across the “Heart-of-America” Region that will be based out of St. Louis, MO and reach to outsourcing professionals across the following likely regions: entire State of Missouri, Southern Illinois, Eastern Kansas and other potential areas.

Educational – Promote the education, training, best practices & professional development and as appropriate the certification of the outsourcing workforce across the region. Periodically host IAOP sponsored education, training and 
certification programs in support of the development of the outsourcing workforce across the region in order to compete globally.

Market Development – Promote outsourcing as a profession across the region in order to develop the industry of outsourcing within the region. We will encourage constructive dialogue and cooperation between customer, providers, advisors, academia and government. 




Business setting – office or meeting room.


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Past Meetings


Meeting held November 12, 2014

The IAOP Midwest Chapter, co-chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesMissouri PartnershipThe University of Missouri – St. LouisExpress Scripts and Sprint held a meeting in conjunction with the Domestic Sourcing Chapter, co- chaired by Rural Sourcing, Inc and Missouri Partnership on November 12 beginning at 3:00pm at the University of Missouri - Kansas City, MO Campus, 5108 Cherry Street, Kansas City, MO 64110.
Snapshot of the Agenda:
3:00 - 3:10pm - Arrival & Registration
3:10 - 3:15pm -  Welcome & IAOP Chapter Introductions -Hosts: University of Missouri – Kansas City; Welcome by David Donnelly, Ph.D., Dean Bloch Business School
IAOP Midwest Chapter, Domestic Sourcing Chapter & Sprint, Inc.
3:15 - 4:00pm - Domestic Sourcing  Making a Difference  Sprint Case Study
Eugene Agee, Vice President of Procurement & Real Estate – Sprint, Inc.

4:00 - 4:50pm - Panel Discussion: Best Practices In Domestic Sourcing – Customer, Provider & Government Perspectives - Panel Moderator: Rich Etzkorn, Executive Managing Director – Cassidy Turley.  Panelists:  Monty Hamilton, President  & CEO – Rural Sourcing Inc; Christopher Chung, CEO – The Missouri Partnership and Dr. Mary Lacity, Curators’ Professor of Information Systems  – University of Missouri – St. Louis

4:50 - 5:00pm - Domestic Sourcing – A Global Update & Industry Perspective
by Matt Shocklee, IAOP Global Ambassador and President & CEO of GSOS, LLC

5:00 - 5:10pm - Closing Comments & Future IAOP Chapter Meeting Information by Hosts: Midwest Chapter & Domestic Sourcing Chapter Co-Chair(s) 
5:10 - 6:30pm - Networking Reception

Meeting held October 30, 2013

The IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesMissouri Partnership and The University of Missouri – St. Louis held a meeting in conjunction with the Legal & Compliance Chapter, chaired by Kirkland & Ellis LLP and Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP on October 30, 2013 beginning at 3:00pm at the Cassidy Turley offices, 721 Emerson, Suite 300, St Louis, MO 63141.
Gregg Kirchhoefer & Matt Lovell from Kirkland & Ellis LLP spoke to the topic of Effective and Efficient Contracting Process.”

Gregg and Matt were also part of a panel discussion alongside Marvin Motley, Director of Sourcing at Sprint Nextel and Kay Bradley, Corporate Counsel / Legal, General Partner with Edward Jones.
3:30 Arrival and pre-event networking
4:00 Welcome: Joseph A. Tocco, Vice President, Principal, Cassidy Turley
4:05 Keynote Speakers: Gregg Kirchhoefer, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis, LLP

Effective and Efficient Outsourcing Contracting

4:35 Panelist Discussion: Marvin Motley, Director of Sourcing, Sprint Nextel; Gregg Kirchhoefer, Partner, K&E; Matthew Lovell, Partner, K&E and Kay Bradley, Corporate Counsel/Legal, General Partner, Edward Jones

5:05 IAOP Announcements
5:15 Networking Reception (included food and beverages)
6:30 Conclusion of the Meeting

Meeting held April 30, 2013

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesMissouri Partnership and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, was held April 30, 2013 at Washington University Knight Center, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. The meeting was sponsored by Accenture and Onshore Outsourcing.


3:30 pm: Arrival and pre-event networking

4:00 pm: Welcome
Richard G. Etzkorn, Executive Managing Director, Cassidy Turley

4:05 pm: Keynote Speaker
James Weddle, Managing Partner, Edward Jones

Jim Weddle is Managing Partner of Edward Jones, a financial services firm serving nearly 7 million individual investors in the United States and Canada.  Today with more than 11,500 branch offices, Edward Jones is one of the largest U.S. financial services firms. During Mr. Weddle’s tenure, Edward Jones has grown from 9,000 to more than 12,000 Financial Advisors without merger or acquisition. 

Mr. Weddle has led the firm to many recognized achievements and accolades including the following:

  • #1 in J.D. Power’s client full-service investor satisfaction 4 of the last 5 years
  •  8 top 10 ranking in Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For,” including consecutive #2 rankings in 2009 and 2010
As a Financial Advisor, Mr. Weddle opened the Firm’s 200th branch in 1978.  After serving clients in Connersville, IN, Mr. Weddle was named a Principal in the Firm in 1984 and was invited to St. Louis where he was given several responsibilities.  Mr. Weddle has been a member of the Edward Jones Management Committee since 1987 and assumed responsibility for managing all of the Firm's branch offices in late 1997.  Mr. Weddle has spent his entire career at Edward Jones; and he became the Firm’s fifth Managing Partner in 2006. 

4:25 pm: Sourcing Relationships at Edward Jones
Steve Ford – General Partner, Strategic Sourcing, Edward Jones
Steve began his Edward Jones career in 2003 as the director of Vendor Management. In 2004, he became senior director of IS Cost Management, responsible for the Asset Management, Logistics & Warehousing and Vendor Management areas. In 2006, Ford helped create the Program Management office and took responsibility for IS Communication. In 2003, Ford was named a limited partner, and in 2007 he became a principal. In 2008, Ford transitioned from Information Systems to Finance, where he assisted in the development of a firm wide sourcing organization. In 2010 he added Facilities and Administrative Services to his responsibilities. Prior to Edward Jones, Ford held a variety of industrial technology-related positions, including manager of jet engine purchasing for American Airlines and cost analyst for Rockwell International’s Space Shuttle project.
Patrick Culleton – Principal, IS Infrastructure
Patrick joined Edward Jones in 1991 as an intern. In 1994 he was hired as an associate serving as a programmer/analyst responsible for the development and support of the firm's payroll system. Culleton was named team leader in 2001 and department leader in 2004. He led the development and support of such systems as JonesLink, Portfolio, AccountLink and Request/Respond. In 2009, he became a director in the Enterprise Content Services areas with responsibility for the systems that support JonesLink content, Imaging and the Online File Cabinet, and application database design. He was named a principal with the firm in 2011 and today is responsible for several Information Systems infrastructure areas.

Dave Mytyk – Business Unit President, CBIZ Network Solutions
David entered into a business relationship with Edward Jones in 1992 providing them with a variety of Network Communications solutions.  In 1994, he played a key role in the effort to design, engineer and implement a custom client-server based architecture for more than 3,000 Edward Jones branch offices.  As Edward Jones continued to grow, it became clear that they needed a new strategy for servicing the equipment at their increasing number of branch locations.  In 1998, David created a comprehensive service solution for Edward Jones that included installation, maintenance, and project deployment services.  Additionally, he has been instrumental in implementing Move-Add-Change, Canadian, Campus, Project Management, Software Development, and Provisioning services.

Rich Etzkorn – Executive Managing Director, Principal, Cassidy Turley
Rich is responsible for the overall operations of Cassidy Turley Retail Services, which is a premier provider of outsourced corporate real estate services to retail corporations. In his current capacity, Rich oversees account teams comprised of more than 250 associates that manage more than 27,000 locations for Cassidy Turley clients in the United States and across the globe. Prior to this role, Rich was the Account Executive for Edward Jones Investments, helping to grow and manage the 11,600 brand portfolio. He also oversaw Edward Jones’ global branch office expansion program into the United Kingdom and Canada. Rich joined Cassidy Turley in 1986 as a Property Manager, became a Principal of the firm in 1990, and in 1992 joined Cassidy Turley’s Board of Directors.
5:00 pm: IAOP Announcements

5:05 pm: Networking Reception (includes food and beverages)

6:30 pm: Conclusion of the Meeting

Meeting held October 17, 2012

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesMissouri Partnership and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, wase held October 17, 2012 at Onshore Outsourcing-St. Louis, MO, IT Enterprises-UMSL, 4633 World Parkway Circle, St. Louis, MO 63134. The meeting was sponsored by KPMG and Onshore Outsourcing.

"Made in America - Rural Outsourcing in Missouri"

What started as a way to get good people back to work in small rural towns has evolved into an industry in its own that leverages the motivation of a previously passed-over rural workforce to help American companies better compete in a global marketplace. Rural outsourcing is now a key component of our nation’s onshoring or “insourcing” efforts to bring back jobs back to America. Join us for an insightful discussion about the economic, social, and practical business impacts of rural outsourcing right here in the State of Missouri.

3:00 PM: Arrival and pre-event networking

3:45 PM: 
Richard G. Etzkorn, Executive Managing Director, Cassidy Turley

3:50 PM: Panel Discussion
Ann Veneman, Former US Secretary of Agriculture
Shane Mayes, Founder & CEO, Onshore Outsourcing
Ann Veneman was the 27th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), she managed a department of 111,000 employees, the sixth-largest employer in the federal government, with personnel in more than 25,000 buildings around the world; a program level of $113 billion that would rank USDA sixth if it were a U.S. corporation (behind GE and ahead of Citigroup); a spending level that ranks fifth in the federal government; a loan portfolio that would rank USDA seventh if it were a U.S. bank; and one of the most diverse and challenging missions across all of government.

Nominated by President George W. Bush, and sworn in as the first woman Secretary of USDA on January 20, 2001, Secretary Veneman presided over one of the most historic times in American agriculture. Her tenure included record farm income, record agricultural exports and the creation of stronger pest and disease protection systems for the country. Much of her career has been dedicated to food and agriculture issues and advancing sound U.S. farm and food policies. Having grown up on a family farm in a small rural community, Ann Veneman understands the issues that are important to America´s farmers, ranchers and rural communities.
Secretary Veneman earned her bachelor´s degree in political science from the University of California, Davis; a master´s degree in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley; and a juris doctorate degree from the University of California, Hastings College of Law. She has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (2001); Lincoln University of Missouri (2003); and Delaware State University (2004).

Shane Mayes is a gulf war veteran, a passionate American, and the founder of Onshore Outsourcing. Shane's purpose is to help people see beyond their current situation toward a better way of life ... personally and professionally. This purpose extends to employees, customers, business partners and communities.
To fulfill this purpose, Shane started Onshore, a nationally recognized rural outsourcing firm that provides outsourcing and software development solutions to Fortune 500 and mid-sized companies, as well as government agencies. Onshore's strength is its ability to create Information Technology jobs in rural America, which has historically been "overshot" by the economic and social advances enabled by the IT economy. Using an innovative rural delivery model, Onshore provides high quality, RURAL technology services at a price-point that is competitive to offshore providers.

Shane's audacious dream is to revitalize rural America, to restore the hope and dignity that comes from having an honorable profession, to thousands of people in small, rural towns across America. Shane makes his home in Macon, Missouri with his wife Lisa, and their two young children. Active in his church and his community, Shane fills his personal life in the same way he fills his work life, striving to make the world a better place.
4:20 PM: 
Rural Outsourcing in Missouri Overview with Q&A session
Matt Shocklee, IAOP Managing Director & Global Ambassador
Dave Cheli, CIO, Gateway EDI

Mary Lacity, Curator’s Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Paul Straughn, Manager IT Application Development, Ameren UE

Dave Cheli joined Gateway EDI in 2003 as Chief Information Officer and is responsible for all of the organization’s information technology functions. With more than 20 years of experience in health care information technology, he previously served as director of software development and EDI with WellPoint and has held IT leadership positions at other health care technology firms.

He has extensive knowledge of health care transaction processing, HIPAA and Internet technologies and is actively engaged in industry initiatives, including serving as vice president of the Cooperative Exchange.  Dave is a graduate of Webster University in St. Louis where he received his MBA and bachelor’s degree in music performance.

Dr. Mary C. Lacity is Curator’s Professor and an International Business Fellow at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Her current research focuses on global outsourcing of business and IT services.  Lacity and her colleagues, Dr. Joseph Rottman and Dr. Erran Carmel, have visited rural delivery centers and interviewed rural sourcing clients and providers in US, India, China, and Israel.  Their e-book on the subject will be published in November 2012: Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Carmel, E. (2012), Emerging ITO and BPO Markets: Rural Sourcing and Impact Sourcing, IEEE Readynotes, IEEE Computer Society.
Paul is an IT professional with 20+ years of experience, including large project/program deployments and transformational efforts. Paul is responsible for development/support of the applications that support the HR/Time Reporting, Financial, Budgeting/Forecasting, Procurement, BI/Analytics, Trading/Marketing and Physical Security business processes of Ameren.
4:45 PM: IAOP Announcements

5:00 PM: Networking Reception (includes food and beverages)

6:30 Conclusion of the Meeting


Meeting held April 24, 2012

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesGlobal Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS)Missouri Partnership and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, was held April 24, 2012 at the Summit Lounge, JC Penny Building, on University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL) Campus, One University Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63121.

“Outsourcing in Healthcare”


3:00 pm: Arrival and pre-event networking 

3:30 pm: Welcome: Professor Mary Lacity and UMSL Chancellor Thomas George 

3:40 pm: Keynote Speaker: George Paz, CEO, Express Scripts 

Express Scripts

4:20 pm: Panel Discussion
Moderator: Chris Long, Former Chief Operations Officer at StayWell Health Management
Michael DiMarco, CEO, The Outsource Group 
Michael Browning, CFO, Madison County Community Hospital 
Cindy Spiess, Senior Director for Quality and Performance Improvement, VHA Mid-America

5:00 pm: High Performance Healthcare BPO: A Next Generation Case Study
Rich Hunter, Accenture Health & Public Service BPO and client speaker

High Performance Healthcare BPO 

5:30 pm: Announcements

5:35 pm: Networking Reception


Meeting held October 19, 2011

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesGlobal Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS)Missouri Partnership and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, was held October 19, 2011 at the Cassidy Turley offices. 

The agenda centered on Missouri's efforts to attract new businesses that compete in the global economy.

Congressman Todd Akin was our keynote speaker.


Pre-Meeting Networking

Welcome the Group & Introductions
Rich Etzkorn, EMD, Cassidy Turley & Midwest Chapter Chair

Keynote: Congressman Todd Akin

Building ITO and BPO businesses in the Midwest - Challenges and Opportunities 
Moderator: Matt Shocklee, IAOP Global Ambassador
Shane Mayes, Founder and CEO, Onshore Technology Services 
Christopher Chung, CEO, Missouri Partnership
Kurt Gerstner, Vice President - Application Modernization Center of Excellence (AMCOE), Unisys
Jim Jones, Senior Business Leader – Workforce Management, Mastercard
David Warren, Vice President, Genpact

Closing Remarks and Future Midwest IAOP Events Update
Rich Etzkorn

Cocktail Networking Reception sponsored by: The Lawrence Group; Genpact and The Foundry Software

Meeting held April 19, 2011

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesGlobal Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS), Missouri Partnership and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, was held in conjunction with the Contact/Call Center chapter, chaired by AegisPETCO and TPI, on Tuesday, April 19, 2011, at the offices of Cassidy Turley – Creve Coeur, MO. 

Contact/Call Centers – Connecting the World Through the Middle of America!


Contact/Call Center Industry – Trends & Key Drivers for Global Rebalancing
John Novak, VP, SPi, Contact Call Center Chapter Speaker 
Tim Ghamian, Apple,  Contact Call Center Chapter Speaker
John Magliocca, Senior Advisor, TPI, Contact/Call Center Chapter Co-Chair

Customer Testimonials – Connecting the World through Middle America
David Curtis, Aegis Center Director from Joplin, MO Contact/Call Center
Daphne Edwards, Sales Director, TxU Energy
Todd Baker, Aegis Account Manager, TxU Energy 
John Hahn, Operations Manager, Experian
Dawn Cuellar, Operations Manager, Experian

Future Midwest & Contact/Call Center Chapter Activities Review & Network Reception Introduction 
Rich Etzkorn, EMD, Cassidy Turley & Midwest Chapter Chair 
Erin Smith, Director, PETCO & Contact/Call Center Chapter Co-Chair
Bill Shirk, SVP, Aegis & Contact/Call Center Chapter Co-Chair 

Meeting held September 22, 2010

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate ServicesGlobal Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS) and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, was held in conjunction with the IAOP Cloud Computing Chapter, chaired by BeyondCore, Accenture, 
quaTerra, Infosys, Microsoft and Genpact,  on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, from 3:00 to 6:30 pm at the Creve Coeur Corporate Center – Conference Room B, 622 Emerson Rd, St. Louis, MO 63141.

"Sourcing through the Cloud: Myths and Realities"


“What is Cloud Computing?”
JP Balakrishnan, Head of Client Services – Emerging Technologies, Infosys
Dan Chow, Senior Vice President, BeyondCore  

What is Cloud Computing?

Case Studies: “The BPO Service Value Chain in a Cloud Context”
Cloud adaption can be best understood by reviewing some real case studies. In this session we will review practical examples of how industry leaders leveraged the cloud to generate tangible business benefits. These examples also demonstrate how the cloud is influencing and changing the role of a classic systems integrator in a cloud enabled world.

Q&A Panel – “Everything You Wanted to Ask About Cloud Computing” 
Phil Shelley, Vice President, Sears Holdings
JP Balakrishnan, Head of Client Services – Emerging Technologies, Infosys
Ken Owens, V.P. Security Architecture, Savvis
Alex Heidari, Director/Partner, Edward Jones
Moderator: Matt Shocklee, President & CEO, Global Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS)

Open Discussion On Future Chapter Events & Closing
Rich Etzkorn, Senior Vice President, Cassidy Turley

5:15 pm-6:30 pm:  Cocktail Networking Reception

Meeting held June 24, 2010

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate Services, Global Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS) and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, was held Thursday, June 24, 2010 from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the University of Missouri at St. Louis Campus.


Welcoming the Group
Mary Lacity, Professor in Information Systems, UMSL
Tom George, Chancellor, UMSL

St. Louis Regional Commerce & Growth Association IAOP & Midwest Chapter Introduction
Mike Corbett, Chairman, IAOP 
Rich Etzkorn, SVP, Cassidy Turley

“The Michigan Story” – Collaboration between State of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University and Systems in Motion
Debashish Sinha, Co-Founder, Systems in Motion

The Michigan Story

Panel “Developing Human Capital In the Midwest – Challenges and Opportunities” 
Moderator: Matt Shocklee, IAOP Global Ambassador
Nasser Arshadi, Vice Provost, University of Missouri at St. Louis
Bryan Doerr, Chief Technology Officer, Savvis
Jonathan Tanz, Human Resources Practice, Deloitte Consulting
Richard Fleming, President and CEO, St. Louis Regional Commerce & Growth Association

Outsourcing Industry Education, Training and Certification Programs International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)
Mike Corbett, Chairman, IAOP

Cocktail Networking Reception

Meeting held March 24, 2010

A meeting of the IAOP Midwest Chapter, chaired by Cassidy Turley Corporate Services, Global Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS) and The University of Missouri – St. Louis, was held Wednesday, March 24, 2010 from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm at Meadowbrook Country Club in Ballwin, MO. The meeting was hosted by Global Sourcing Optimization Services (GSOS).


 Global IT Outsourcing Challenges and Victories” Brian LeDuc, Senior Director- Customer Contact Systems, Express Scripts 

Global IT Outsourcing Challenges and Victories

The Missouri Partnership – Economic Development in Missouri
Chris Chung, CEO, Missouri Partnership 

Highlights from the 2010 Outsourcing Summit
Dr. Joseph W. Rottman, Associate Professor of IS, University of Missouri - St. Louis

Optimizing Outsourcing Value from Existing Relationships – the IAOP Value Health Check Survey” & “The IAOP and Education” 
Matt Shocklee, IAOP Global Ambassador& CEO of GSOS; Co-chair, IAOP Midwest Chapter

Networking and Cocktail Reception

Inaugural Meeting December 2, 2009

The inaugural meeting of the Midwest Chapter, chaired by Colliers Corporate Solutions and Global Sourcing Optimization Services, was held Wednesday December 2, 2009 from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the St. Louis Club, 7701 Forsyth Boulevard, Saint Louis, Missouri.


Chapter Opening – Chapter Purpose, Leadership Team & Agenda
Rich Etzkorn, SVP & Principal, Colliers Corporate Solutions

Role of Outsourcing in Government/DOD
Franz Kohler, District Director, Military Affairs at U.S. House / Rep. W. Todd Akin (MO2)

Panel Discussion – Outsourcing: Its Future in the New Economy
Prospective panel members to be announced later: 

Networking Reception



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