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The workplace construct is changing, and companies need to invest in relationships – both internal and external – to derive higher value today. The boundaries of the workplace are undergoing a metamorphosis, driven largely by changes in three areas: (1) Workforce demographics: the inclusion of millennials and gig workers in the workforce is creating a shift in stakeholder expectations – with stronger emphasis on flexibility, connectedness, ethics, and sustainability; (2) Business models: increasingly distributed models of business operations (remote working, shared offices, flexi-time, mobile working, etc.), are accompanied by an expectation of adaptable, seamless work experiences; and (3) Technology landscape: the technology landscape continues to evolve (immersive collaboration, AR/VR/MR, IoT/edge), with stakeholders expecting minimal lag in the introduction of consumerized experiences in professional environments We are experiencing the emergence of the connected workplace – characterized by a steadfast focus on hyper-contextualized stakeholder experience in an increasingly blurred physical-digital workspace.

In this report we: explore workplace evolution and define the connected workplace concept; establish experience as the focal point of the connected workplace design and explore business value principles; explore use cases and technologies driving connected workplace adoption; and, identify enterprise imperatives for a successful connected workplace strategy.

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