Since 1994, Mr. Corbett has written annual management briefs on outsourcing for Fortune Magazine, Fortune Small Business and Business 2.0, many of these being Fortune’s most successful. 

If your firm has an interesting case study you’d like to be part of the next Outsourcing Section, please contact Renee Preston at 845.452.0600 x106 or email

Fortune Magazine, June 9, 2003 

An Inside Look at Outsourcing. 

Today more companies are restructuring and turning to outsourcing to gain a competitive advantage.  Here’s how the trend is changing the corporate landscape.

Outsourcing's Next Wave

Fortune Magazine, June 10, 2002

Outsourcing’s Next Wave.

Business changes come as waves gathering shape, gaining energy and momentum, then crashing across companies that find themselves in their path.  Technology, reengineering, the Internet, globalization, terrorism, Enron-itis are some of the waves reshaping business today.  Outsourcing is another.

Fortune Magazine, May 28, 2001

Winning in Today’s Web-Driven Global Economy.

The Dot-Com bubble has burst and the global economy has slowed, but both the Web and global competition continue to have a profound impact on business. They are forcing companies to reexamine every aspect of their operations, to explore new ways of doing things, and to use every management tool available – particularly outsourcing – to improve their business performance.

Fortune Magazine, December 10, 2001

Return on Investment >> ROI Outsourcing.

Maximizing return on investment through back office outsourcing.

Fortune Magazine, May 29, 2000

Outsourcing 2000.

Value-drive.  Customer-focused.  How do executives find the speed, focus, flexibility, and scalability needed to take head on the challenges of today’s turbulent business world?  Through outsourcing.

Fortune Magazine, June 7, 1999

Outsourcing for Business Transformation.

For more than a decade, executives across corporate America and in government have used outsourcing to become more efficient and to better focus internal resources.  As a result, the growth in outsourcing spending has been nothing short of phenomenal.  At this year’s Outsourcing World Summit, 97 percent of the 400-plus attendees from around the world reported that they expect spending on outsourcing to increase again this year – with one in four saying that this increase would be 25 percent or more.

Fortune Magazine, July 20, 1998

Outsourcing ’98.

Winning in today’s global marketplace.

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