The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit

June 2-3, 2003

The Sheraton Brussels Hotel & Towers

Brussels, Belgium

Produced by Michael F. Corbett & Associates, Ltd. in association with Fortune® Custom Projects and PA Consulting Group

Association Sponsor                                                   

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The Focus:  Outsourcing’s Next Wave – In Europe

Achieve dramatic improvements in business performance and economic value creation through strategic outsourcing.

From 2001 to 2003, outsourcing spending in Europe is expected to double.

U.S.-based multi-nationals may lead in their use of outsourcing, however, European companies are quickly adapting and adopting this powerful management tool to their unique needs and goals.  While real estate and facilities operations outsourcing continues to be widely used, information technology, business process and offshore outsourcing are rapidly advancing.

The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit presents a balanced and blended view of outsourcing: drawing on leading business visionaries and analysts, customers and providers, from Europe and around the world.

“Excellent program, lots of food for thought.”

Executives from some of Europe’s most forward-looking organizations have already attended The Outsourcing World Summit in the U.S., such as:

ABB Service Worldwide (Belgium); Helsinki University of Technology (Finland); Sanofi – Synthelabo, Fournier Group, Electricité de France, Lille Metropole Development Agency (France); ISE Data (Germany); Alit ehf. (Iceland); Rotterdam School of Management (Netherlands); HQ Defence Command (Norway); Intercomp Technologies L.L.C., Luxoft (Russia); gedas iberia, Volkswagen-Audi (Spain); IN Group, Maintech (Sweden); Barclays Bank, BP, The Thomas Cook Group, Allen & Overy, BAE Systems, British Airways, PricewaterhouseCoopers (United Kingdom).

With the presentation of The European Outsourcing Summit in June 2003 in Brussels, Belgium, European business and government leaders now have the opportunity to participate in this organization-shaping event without the time and expense of international travel. 

About the Producers

Michael F. Corbett & Associates, Ltd., “the world’s leading authority on outsourcing,” is pleased to present The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit in association with PA Consulting, one of Europe’s top consultancies, and Fortune® Custom Projects.

The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit is part of The Outsourcing World Summit Conference Series, launched in 1998 and attended over the past six years by thousands of executives and outsourcing professionals worldwide.

The Program:  A Global Event with a European Spotlight

Jean-Marie Descarpentries, President of the Board of Trustees, SIDEL, and former Chairman, Groupe Bull, to keynote The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit.


Main Session Speakers and Panels:

Michael F. Corbett, conference chair and chairman and executive director of The Outsourcing Research Council on Harnessing the Power of Outsourcing’s Next Wave and The Three S’s of Successful Outsourcing

Lode Beckers, chairman and managing director, LOBO n.v. EUROSTRATEGIES, and former
chairman of Citibank's Executive Committee, Belgium on Outsourcing in a Changing European Business Landscape

Jean-Marie Descarpentries, chairman of the supervisory board, Sidel and “one of the world’s 25 most influential business leaders,” Fortune Magazine and Francis Vidal, partner and international director, IDRH – Francis Vidal Groupe on Outsourcing or the Revenge of “Métiers”

Oren Harari, best-selling author of Beep Beep! Competing in the Age of the Road Runner on Making it Happen: Creating a Culture Where Outsourcing Flourishes

Prof. Leslie Willcocks, University of Oxford, on Latest Developments and Future Direction of Information Technology Outsourcing in Europe

Jagdish Dalal, principal, JDalal Associates, LLC challenges: Offshore Outsourcing - Strategy, Tactic or Fad?

Special Global Sourcing Panel: from India, Kiran Karnik, president, NASSCOM; from Russia, Valentin Makarov, president, RUSSOFT, from China, Shaogang Song, Software Program Director, Torch Centers, from the Caribbean, Philip Peters, CEO, Zagada Markets

Educational Session Speakers:

Paul Dyson, PA Consulting Group; Ron Stratton, Stratton & Company; Graham Pascoe, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Albert Pilger, Pilger Facility Management GmbH; Fred Klammt, Aptek Associates; Alistair Maughan, Shaw Pittman; Bertrand Nouel, Gide, Loyrette, Nouel; Larraine Segil, acclaimed author; Nigel Roxburgh, National Outsourcing Association (NOA); Richard Harrison, PA Consulting Group; William B. Bierce, Bierce & Kenerson

Outsourcing-in- Action Speakers:

Ian Ailles, group finance director, Thomas Cook UK Ltd.; David E. Hall director, voice networking, CNA Insurance; Tom Donnelly, director, managed services Avaya; Paul Evans, former senior VP HR, Prudential Financial; Bob Gunn new business executive, Exult; Jean-Francois Poisson, general manager, Bell Canada and more.

The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit Program – Themes

The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit is an exceptional learning opportunity for customer executives, providers, consultants, analysts and all others whose work is increasingly shaped by outsourcing.  The European Outsourcing Summit presents the field’s top thinkers and practitioners, with special focus on the critical issues of increasing importance:

Outsourcing and Shared Services

As organizations seek cost-reduction and efficiency-enhancing alternatives, the combined opportunities provided by outsourcing and shared services are uniquely powerful.  Shared services enable the organization to reengineer and consolidate common business processes under a single service-oriented structure operated from an economically attractive locale.  Outsourcing brings in a partner who can both accelerate and accentuate these benefits.

The combination of outsourcing and shared services offers enormous potential for improving business operations across Europe and is the focus of many of the event’s plenary and breakout sessions.


Commercialization means using outsourcing to directly impact the business’s bottom line through the sale, licensing or other form of ‘monetization’ of an organization’s under-utilized assets.  Some of these assets are physical, but just as often they are intellectual – process expertise, related know-how, software systems, and customer intelligence and relationships.

Multiple sessions at this year’s European Summit explore the range of options available for commercialization through outsourcing and how to execute the opportunity.

Global Sourcing

Outsourcing is a global marketplace.  In fact, many believe that companies not leveraging the emerging global talent pool will soon find themselves at a severe competitive disadvantage.  But what does it really take to capture the anticipated benefits?  Who are the top providers and where are they?  Do they offer more than just cheap labor?  How are successful relationships – halfway around the world – set up and managed?  These are just some of the questions that need to be answered and the European Summit does just that.

The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit gives executive attendees a competitive edge in their understanding of how to use outsourcing to improve the performance of their businesses.  The learning and networking opportunities afforded delegates are exceptional.  And it all takes place in a highly charged, interactive and thought-provoking environment unmatched by any other event or venue.

Who Should Attend:

- Chief Executives of European companies concerned about the future of their businesses

- Chief Financial Officers charged with business performance improvement

- Chief Information Officers currently outsourcing or considering it

- Line-of-Business Executives looking to improve their unit’s performance

- Project Team Members charged with evaluating and recommending critical  

  outsourcing decisions

- Managers responsible for overseeing service providers

- Executives looking for new partners to help them expand locally or globally

- Heads of Shared Services responsible for blending internal and external sourcing

- Government Ministers seeking economic development opportunities and improved operations

- Entrepreneurs in search of strategies for rapid growth with minimal internal


- Business analysts and consultants seeking the best solutions for their clients

- Outsourcing Service providers seeking a better understanding of their customers and new


- Investment Partners seeking new and expanded investments in the outsourcing industry

What You Will Learn:

- How to use outsourcing to meet today’s business challenges

- How to make the right sourcing decision - the first time

- How to achieve operational excellence within and across outsourcing relationships

- How to communicate outsourcing to your employees, customers and the public

- How to build new revenue streams through outsourcing

- How to use outsourcing to reduce corporate risk

- How to successfully outsource offshore

- How to craft value-creating outsourcing contracts

- How to recover a troubled outsourcing relationship

- How to enhance your career as an outsourcing professional

The 2003 European Outsourcing Summit is also a superb networking opportunity.  Its Exhibition Hall presents the field’s leading providers.  Its many social events provide an excellent opportunity for beginning and building the professional relationships so important to business success.

Brussels: The Capital of Europe – The Summit: The Center of Outsourcing

Summit Networking Activities

· Early Registration and Reception on Sunday, 1 June, 2003

· Cocktail Reception on Monday, 2 June, 2003 at Brussels’ Famed Cartoon Museum

· Private sponsored dinners in Brussels’ Historic Grand Place

· Networking Luncheon on Monday, 2 June, 2003

· Topical Tables Luncheon on Tuesday, 3 June, 2003

Social Activities

· Combine business and pleasure in Brussels’ Grand Place and the City’s surrounding historic areas

· Optional Spouse Programs

Topical Tables Luncheon

This is your chance to pick topics of interest to you and join others who share your interest in a free flowing exchange of information over lunch.  Please include a topic of interest on your registration form, then join your colleagues at lunch on Tuesday, 3 June.

Click Here to register.


Part of

The 2003 Outsourcing World Summit Conference Series

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