Center of Excellence

IAOP Centers of Excellence are dedicated to industry advancement, collaboration and education by concentrating expertise and resources around key areas that our community members are investing in and are critical to attaining and sustaining world-class performance and value.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

This Center of Excellence (CoE) is being developed by IAOP to address the evolving needs of the healthcare and life sciences sourcing landscape. This sector is poised for significant growth and transformation, driven by technological advancements, globalization, regulatory dynamics, and a strong focus on patient-centric care.


1. Clinical Research and Development

  • Clinical Trials: Outsourcing to Contract Research Organizations (CROs) for conducting clinical trials. This includes patient recruitment, data management, regulatory compliance, and monitoring.
  • Regulatory Affairs: Assistance with navigating regulatory updates, preparing and managing submissions of permits and certifications, and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

2. Manufacturing

  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) produce drugs, including active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished products.
  • Medical Device Manufacturing: Outsourcing production of medical devices, maintaining adherence to stringent quality standards and regulations.

3. Information Technology (IT) Services

  • Electronic Health Records (EHR): Managing EHR systems, data storage, intteroperability, privacy and security.
  • Telemedicine: Development and maintenance of telehealth platforms and remote monitoring systems.
  • IT Infrastructure: Managing IT infrastructure, including cloud services, cybersecurity, and data analytics.

4. Administrative Services

  • Revenue Cycle Management: Handling billing, coding, claims processing, and collections.
  • Human Resources: Recruitment, training, payroll, and employee benefits management.
  • Relationship management: Patient scheduling and outreach, marketing, call center services and vendor contracting.  

5. Supply Chain Management

  • Procurement: Sourcing and procurement of medical supplies and equipment.
  • Logistics: Managing the transportation and storage of medical products.


Healthcare and life sciences sourcing is a strategic approach to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and access specialized expertise. This approach is increasingly driven by digital transformation, characterized by the adoption of digital health technologies, AI, and machine learning in outsourced services. Additionally, globalization is expanding outsourcing partnerships to emerging markets, leveraging cost advantages and access to a broader talent pool. Navigating evolving regulations and standards across different regions is crucial, as these can significantly impact outsourcing strategies. Moreover, a strong focus on patient-centric approaches ensures that outsourcing partners are dedicated to improving patient outcomes and experiences through innovative solutions. However, this strategic approach requires careful management and oversight to ensure quality and compliance. 

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  • Rob Kantrowitz, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis, LLP
  • Dan Schuffert, Divisional Vice President Strategic Sourcing, HCSC
  • Shuchita Singh, Vice President, Procurement Strategy & Capabilities, AbbVie
  • Audrey Cushing, COP, Senior Director, Business Operations and Quality, Vee Healthtek
  • Glen Blount, COP, Business Process Consultant Outsourcing, Duke Health
  • Kevin Nolan, Independent Consultant
  • Nadine Salemi, CEO, CommUnity Professional Services, LLC

Driven by IAOP's CEO, Debi Hamill this Center of Excellence is actively seeking active and engaged leaders to help form its foundation and shape its direction.


CLICK HERE to register your interest and a member of the IAOP team will follow up with you.

All IAOP Professional Members may access and actively participate in the CoEs.
Corporate Members may take an elevated leadership role as well as contribute content.  


  • Enhance Expertise through Best Practices
  • Drive Innovation 
  • Improve Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness 
  • Offer Insights into Compliance and Quality
  • Foster Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
  • Share strategies for navigating international markets and leveraging global talent pools

Our goal is to enable organizations to harness specialized expertise, drive innovation, and achieve operational excellence, ultimately leading to better healthcare outcomes and enhanced industry performance.

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