The Outsourcing Professionals’ Guide to Corporate Responsibility
IAOP is proud to announce the publication of The Guide to Corporate Responsibility, by Van Haren Publishing, The Netherlands. The management guide focusing on corporate social responsibility is authored by Bill Hefley, PhD, COP and Ron Babin, DBA, COP, with contributions from the IAOP Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and culminates several years of dedicated committee work.
The “Guide” examines corporate socially responsible policies and practices for outsourcing, including identifying and showcasing policies that IAOP membership has adopted, creating a framework for companies to model new CSR policies, and developing a network of resources for IAOP members. It is a one-of-a-kind indispensible management tool for any company involved in outsourcing – whether customer, provider or advisor.
Many corporate members have made contributions to the guide, which has been an enthusiastic committee initiative led by the chief authors and committee members, Hefley and Babin. IAOP® has been involved with advancing CR in outsourcing since 2008. As the advocate and standard setting association for outsourcing professionals and the organizations they support, its role to take the lead on what CR should be expected to look like in the industry, and how it will grow and change over time in order to help keep professionals and their organizations ahead of the movement.
IMPORTANT: The guide is an ebook and must be read using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE). Please install prior to downloading according to the instructions here:
IAOP corporate members may access the eBook The Outsourcing Professionals’ Guide to Corporate Responsibility management guide as a complimentary member benefit. Contact IAOP at for the appropriate code.
Professional Members should contact IAOP at for the appropriate discount code.
In the spring of 2014, IAOP CEO Debi Hamill and “Guide” authors Babin and Hefley presented a complimentary one hour webinar about the Guide, and why it needs to be on every outsourcingprofessionals’ electronic bookshelf!
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