Teleperformance has been recruiting disabled and
socioeconomically disadvantaged youth under the age of 26
in developing countries for many years, providing training to
develop the skills necessary to match its client’s needs and for the
individuals to thrive in the company. In 2014, Teleperformance committed to creating 5,000 Impact Sourcing jobs over five years. By 2016 this goal was surpassed with over 25,000 Impact Sourcing hires. Currently, Teleperformance trains and employs approximately 50,000 individuals worldwide through its Impact Sourcing program. Its impact sourcing talent strategies include the hiring and development of disabled individuals, women,
U.S. veterans, active military members and members of their
immediate families, individuals who were long-term unemployed
and youth without previous formal employment.

Avasant has been actively involved in Impact Sourcing since 2008. The Rockefeller Foundation funded Avasant in 2011 to highlight key policy initiatives and incentives that could help to scale the Impact Sourcing sector. The Foundation later worked with and was a grantee of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Digital Jobs Africa Initiative (DJA) in 2015 and educated service providers over two years about the benefits of creating jobs under Impact Sourcing. Through education and partnership, the Avasant Foundation created over 1,300 ICT-enabled jobs in Africa. Its Avasant Digital Youth Employment Initiative provides deserving youth with job-related skills training to enable employees in the leading ICT BPO industries in the Caribbean.
Founded in 2001 with operations in Cambodia, Laos, and Kenya,
DDD is recognized worldwide for having pioneered Impact
Sourcing. DDD addresses the education and skills gap among
disadvantaged youth through its comprehensive Work-Study
Program, which includes training, employment, professional
development and academic scholarships. The company recruits
youth from disadvantaged families, including men and women with disabilities. Since its inception, more than 2,500 youth from these underserved markets have graduated from DDD’s Work-
Study Program. Apart from providing associates with gainful
employment in the formal sector, DDD has economically
empowered them to provide for their families, indirectly
improving the lives of an additional 5,000 individuals.
Impact Sourcing is Microsoft’s preferred sourcing strategy, aligning its mission with its procurement strategy. The company seeks to engage and learn from social enterprise impact sourcing service providers while extending its model to its own large multi-national suppliers. Microsoft has participated in a cross-industry/function stakeholder group to develop Impact Employment metrics, joined in over a dozen business cases on Impact Sourcing, and has committed to engage in Impact Sourcing. Its suppliers have committed to creating thousands of impact employment jobs. In fiscal year 2017, Microsoft supported Impact Sourcing projects in 14 countries, including the United States, Kenya, Uganda and India for services such as back-office work and facilities management.