IAOP Chapter: Italy

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The IAOP Italy Chapter is chaired by Ca’Foscari University of Venice.
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Ca'Foscari University Venice



Dr. Giovanni VaiaPh.D, COP, Chair
Ca' Foscari University Venice


The chapter focuses on critical aspects about definition and management of outsourcing relationships and aims to identify trends in action in nearshoring/offshoring projects in the Mediterranean area. Meetings will identify outsourcing governance in nearshoring and offshoring relationships.




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Past Meetings


Meeting held September 30, 2014

A meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter, chaired by Ca’Foscari University of Venice and supported by Quint Wellinton Redwood Itay, was held on September 30, 2014, from 9:30 - 12:30 at the LUISS Business School, Via Pola 12, Roma.

Topic: Sourcing in European companies and public administrations: strategies, study cases and market trends.

Chairman - Giovanni Vaia, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia and IAOP Italy Chapter   Michele Melchionda, Dirigente DGSIA - Servizio di gestione del centro unico servizi, Corte dei Conti
Menzo Meijer, Principal Consultant Quint Wellington Redwood Netherlands

Davide Ceremigna, Principal Consultant Quint Wellington Redwood Italy

Public administrations are under the pressure of developing digital services, while businesses need to innovate and cater for growth in rapidly changing markets. For IT, this means to be able to manage a complex mix of requirements: be flexible, saving costs, remaining in control of service quality and provide innovative solutions. Developing Sourcing capabilities can resolve this complexity and help organizations to be competitive.
Most organizations have an increasing complexity of their supplier’s landscape, while in the supplier’s marketplace new players arrive and new IT solutions are provided. CIOs need to respond to all this with an effective Sourcing Strategy, tender accordingly and develop the capacity to manage complex contracts.
The reuse of "best practices" and the available experiences is crucial to increase speed of execution.
The meeting proposed the analysis of cases of implementation and management of IT outsourcing contracts, comparing significant experiences carried out in Italian and Dutch public administrations.  Emerging issues in the European Sourcing market, collected from the privileged position of Quint Wellington Redwood, recently named World's Best Outsourcing Advisors by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP®), were discussed.

Sourcing in European Companies and Public Administrations (In Italian)

Meeting held January 28, 2014

The latest meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter, chaired by Ca’Foscari University of Venice, was held on January 28, 2014, beginning at 15:30 in the conference room at Confindustria Padova.

The Theme for the meeting was “Internationalization and Localization as an Engine for Growth: The Discovery of New Methods for the Supplier Management Partner – International.”

The full agenda follows:
15:30 – Greetings -- Roger Plate, President of Innovative Services Section
Technological Confindustria Padova
15:45 - Internationalization and Localization: New management methods for the management of international partners – suppliers -- Giovanni Vaia, Ca ' Foscari University of Venice and IAOP Italy Chapter
16:00 - The IT industry in Mauritius -- Charles Sarugeri, General Manager Europe , SEBWIT Ltd
16:45 - International Bargaining : good and bad practices – Philip Fioretti, Partner Simmons & Simmons
17:30 - Discussion , conclusions and networking
18.30 - Closing remarks

International Bargaining: Good and bad practicies (In Italian)

The IT Industry in Mauritius (In Italian)

Globalizzazione e delocalizzazione sono i due poli
attraverso cui si stanno muovendo le strategie aziendali.
Il business si evolve, i capitali si muovono e il commercio
crea nuove industrie ad alta intensità di lavoro attraverso
la frammentazione della produzione.

Le opportunità derivanti dalla globalizzazione vanno
però trasformate in valore reale per le imprese, attraverso
l'uso efficace di metodi e nuove prassi manageriali.
L'evento, organizzato da Confindustria Padova e
d a l l ' I n te r n a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f O u t s o u rc i n g
Professional (IAOP), in collaborazione con il
Dipartimento di Management di Ca' Foscari, propone:
- Un'introduzione alle problematiche di governance di
clienti/fornitori di paesi offshore/nearshore: contratti,
Service Level Agreement, ruoli organizzativi, misure
di performance;
- u n a p r e s e n t a z i o n e s u l l e t e n d e n z e e s u i
rischi/opportunità legati alla scelta dei paesi e nuove
- un approfondimento sulle criticità legate alla transition
di fasi/unità/processi produttivi verso fornitori/partner
Durante l'incontro Giovanni Vaia, Carlo Sarugeri e Filippo
Fioretti apporteranno al dibattito la propria esperienza
personale, e con loro sarà possibile confrontarsi su best
practice di successo, sugli errori da evitare nei contratti
internazionali, sulle caratteristiche delle Mauritius come
paese emergente in tema di Information Technology.

Giovanni Vaia è docente di Economia Aziendale e Global Sourcing
presso il Dipartimento di Management dell'Università Ca' Foscari di
Venezia. E' Presidente del Chapter Italiano di IAOP (International
Association of Outsourcing Professionals®)
Carlo Sarugeri è laureato in ingegneria elettronica presso il Politecnico
di Milano. Attualmente è General Manager per l'Europa di SEBWIT Ltd,
azienda leader nell'outsourcing di servizi ICT con sede a Mauritius.
Filippo Fioretti è avvocato e partner di Simmons & Simmons dal 2002,
ed è responsabile della practice European Competition and Regulatory.
E' esperto a livello internazionale di contratti di outsourcing, antitrust e
proprietà intellettuale.

IAOP è l'organizzazione internazionale no profit leader per la diffusione
di nuova cultura manageriale nel campo dell'outsoucring e di nuovi
standard. Con più di 100.000 membri e organizzazioni affiliate in tutto il
mondo, IAOP aiuta enti pubblici e aziende a migliorare il loro tasso di
successo nei progetti di outsourcing, sviluppando ulteriori opportunità e
capacità di governance.

Meeting held June 5, 2013

A meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter was held on June 5, 2013 as part of IAOP's Europe Week 2013.


The Italy Chpater joined the meeting via videoconference and after an introduction by Dr. Giovanni Vaia, Ph.D, COP, we had a presentation by Marco Guarna, Managing Director at Euro Engineering on “How We Will Work and Innovate in the European Outsourcing Market”.

Il Dipartimento di Management di Ca’ Foscari ospita una tappa del ciclo di conferenze in Europa dell’International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP).

IAOP è l'organizzazione internazionale no profit leader per la diffusione di nuova cultura manageriale nel campo dell'outsoucring. Con più di 100.000 membri e organizzazioni affiliate in tutto il mondo, IAOP sviluppa ricerche, nuovi modelli e standard per migliorare il successo dei progetti di outsourcing.

L’evento, che si svolgerà in videoconferenza con Germania e Svizzera, accoglierà una serie di interventi sul tema dell’innovazione e della creazione del valore nelle relazioni cliente-fornitore/partner, e vedrà la partecipazione di esperti e leader del settore tra cui Debi Hamill, Chief Executive Officer, e Michael F. Corbett, Chairman, di IAOP.

L’Italia parteciperà al meeting in videoconferenza con un intervento introduttivo di Giovanni Vaia, docente di Economia Aziendale del Dipartimento di Management e rappresentante di IAOP in Italia, e un intervento di Marco Guarna, Managing Director di Euro Engineering dal titolo “How We Will Work and Innovate in the European Outsourcing Market”.

Per motivi logistici è gradita la registrazione all’evento.

Dettagli dell’evento

Date and time: 5 Giugno, 2013 (Mercoledì), 16:00–19:00 (Central European Time)

Venue: Dipartimento di Management – Aula Saraceno, Università Ca’ Foscari, San Giobbe - Cannaregio, 873 (VENEZIA)

Meeting held May 6, 2013

A meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter was be held in conjunction with the IAOP Eastern Europe Chapter, on May 6, 2013, at Confindustria Padova.

Internationalization and Localization as an Engine for Growth: The Discovery of New Methods For the Management International Supplier Partners
Globalization and outsourcing are the two poles through which they are moving strategies business. The business evolves, and capital move trade creates new industries intensive work through the fragmentation of production. The opportunities arising from globalization are however, turned into real value for businesses, through the effective use of new methods and practices management.
The event, organized by Confindustria Padova and IAOP, in collaboration with the Department of Management of Ca 'Foscari, proposes:

  • An introduction to the issues of governance, customers / suppliers of offshore countries / nearshore: contracts, Service Level Agreement, organizational roles, measures performance;
  • A presentation on trends and risks / opportunities related to the choice of countries and new destinations;
  • A discussion on critical issues related to transition phase / unit / production processes to suppliers / third party partners through the testimony of an international company.
3:30 pm: Greetings
Claudio Velasquez, Section President Innovative and Technological Services, Confindustria Padova
3:45 pm: Internationalization and Localization: New Management Methods for the Management of International Supplier Partners 
Giovanni Vaia, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice and Chair of IAOP Italy chapter
4:30 pm: The Field of Information Systems in Belarus and Ukraine
Boris Kontsevoi, CEO of Intetics
5:15 pm: Discussion, conclusions and networking
7.00 pm: Closing remarks

How Will We Work and Innovate in the European Outsourcing Market

Meeting held September 26, 2012

A meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter was held on September  26, 2012 from 3 pm to 6 pm in the Auditorium di Santa Margherita – Ca’ Foscari in Venice.

This meeting featured discussions on Impact Sourcing, Rural Sourcing, Social Sourcing, and similar new kinds of sourcing.

In this decade the three important new sourcing categories will be: cloud sourcing, crowd sourcing and— the focus of this talk
various flavors of “Impact Sourcing.” Impact Sourcing means employing people at the base of the economic pyramid in order to create sustainable jobs. Rural Sourcing, a term popular in America, offers a workforce in small towns primarily in America ’s heartland. Clients want an alternative to expensive part-time contractors and the frustrating relationships with offshore providers. The speaker, Professor Erran Carmel has been a sourcing leader in his research and teaching. He is the author of the book “Offshoring Of Information Technology”. Carmel will introduce and survey global developments in Impact Sourcing.

Meeting held Monday, January 17, 2011

A meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter, chaired by Universita degli Studi di Salerno and Xchanging, was held on Monday, January 17, 2011. 

Presso HSPI

Via V.E. Orlando, 75 - 00185 Roma

Inizio 15.30

Il meeting del Chapter Italiano di IAOP avrà come ospite Beverley Honig che presenterà il suo nuovo libro Making Contracts Work e discuterà delle best practice nella gestione delle relazioni cliente-fornitore.

L’evento è gratuito e aperto anche ai non soci.


Meeting held Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter, co-chaired by Universita degli Studi di Salerno and Kenobi Group, was held Tuesday, October 5, 2010, at Simmons & Simmons, Via di San Basilio 72, 00187 Rome, Italy. 


Welcome address
Giovanni Vaia, University of Salerno, Italy Chapter Co-Chair
Huub Commandeur, Kenobi, Italy Chapter Co-Chair

The Legal Aspects of Outsourcing Transactions
Filippo Fioretti, Simmons & Simmons

Collaborative Sourcing and Outsourcing Transactions
Antonio Cappiello, BravoSolution

Critical aspects in designing and managing SLAs
Marco Bernesi, STS Consulting 

Critical aspects in the design and management SLAs: The case of Depart. for Education
Paolo De Santis, Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione


Meeting held Thursday, November 26, 2009

This meeting of the IAOP Italy Chapter, co-chaired by Universita degli Studi di Salerno and Kenobi Group, was held Thursday, November 26, beginning at 10:00 am at IBM Rome – Auditorium B. 


Welcome address

 “IAOP Italy Chapter: Getting Started” 
Giovanni Vaia, University of Salerno, Italy Chapter Co-Chair 
Huub Commandeur, Kenobi, Italy Chapter Co-Chair 

"Governance of the Outsourcing Relationship. What Does it Mean?" 

"Outsourcing in Public Administration: Opportunities and Constraints" 

"Italy SpA. Can it Be an Offshoring/Nearshoring Location?" 

Informal meeting with leading organizations and professionals to participate in IAOP Italy Chapter activities and planning 

Scheduled Speakers:
Alfredo Adamo, CEO, Opera21 SpA 
Roberto Ascione, President, Publicis Healthware International 
Stefano Caponi, IT Director, Home Office

Francesco Cascarino, Head of IT-Governance, Wind

Paolo Conti, Director, Outsourcing Italia 
Marco Gentili, Director for Quality and Innovation, CNIPA 
Alessandro Musumeci, IT Director, Ferrovie delle Stato

Domenico Raguseo,  IBM 
Mario Trovato, Manager, Valentino Fashion Group 


Inaugural Meeting Summary:

Inaugural Meeting of the Italy Chapter, chaired by Mr. Filippo Fioretti, Partner, Simmons & Simmons, held its inaugural meeting on September 25, 2006 at the Simmons & Simmons offices, Via di San Basilio 72, Rome.  The discussion centered on outsourcing contracts in Italy and the UK and featured David Barrett, Partner, Simmons & Simmons.



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